We all have to start somewhere – The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

I love Virginia Woolf. She is one of my favourite novelists of all time. Many people disagree. I say they are entitled to their opinions although I do believe they are incorrect. Basically, unless you're willing to embrace the weirdness and unique-ness that IS Modernism, you should go back to the Romantic writers. But that's … Continue reading We all have to start somewhere – The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf

And the punchline is rape! – Summary of The Reeve’s Tale by Chaucer

So much to summarise, so little time. I will be summarising some of Chaucer's works, but not all of them, because ain't nobody got time for that. It's more like, I need to solidify what happens and the most important bits in my mind so that I can go into the exam fresh and ready … Continue reading And the punchline is rape! – Summary of The Reeve’s Tale by Chaucer

Ass kissing and Fart Jokes – Summary of The Miller’s Tale by Chaucer

It's a storyline we see very often: older man marries very young woman, and ends up getting cuckolded. Why? Because Chaucerian women have standards. Sure, it paints the women in a 'bad light' or whatever, but really in my opinion they are just acting within the patriarchal and misogynistic spheres in which they are forced … Continue reading Ass kissing and Fart Jokes – Summary of The Miller’s Tale by Chaucer

TFW gods act like genies and mess up your wishes – Summary of The Knight’s Tale by Chaucer

So you want to start the Canterbury Tales, and you're greeted with one of the longest tales in the series at the start. Why? Well, there are many reasons. First, it sets up a high bar that is brutally smashed to pieces because there is no reasons that the other characters should conform to the … Continue reading TFW gods act like genies and mess up your wishes – Summary of The Knight’s Tale by Chaucer

The Superficiality of The Patriarchy – Character Analysis of Villette by Charlotte Brontë

Villette is a highly character driven and character focussed novel, since it is so centred on a comedic number of Brontëan Coincidences™ that deal with bumping into the same people in different places, even if that place is a fictional town in a fictional Kingdom. Unsurprisingly, the characters are very important, and it's a true … Continue reading The Superficiality of The Patriarchy – Character Analysis of Villette by Charlotte Brontë

M. Paul Emanuel is the worst, a Summary of Villette by Charlotte Brontë

So, as a part of the Victorians course I foolishly decided to be examined in at the end of this year (aka in a month's time), we had to read Charlotte Brontë's Villette. It's the first book by her I've ever read, and it's not bad. It's actually pretty good! Lucy Snowe is the best protagonist … Continue reading M. Paul Emanuel is the worst, a Summary of Villette by Charlotte Brontë